If you’re strapped for ideas, here are 10 ways you can show others some love starting today!
1. Treat the person in line for coffee behind you to a free cup of Joe (just hand a few extra bucks to the barista!).
2. Text a friend or two you haven’t spoken to in a while, and see how they’re going.
3. Drop off cookies (or anything chocolate) for a neighbor who doesn’t get out much.
4. Watch a friend’s children for an hour or two so they can run an errand/take a shower/exercise.
5. Tell the person on the other end of a customer service call to have a nice day.
6. Give a stranger a compliment (you’d be surprised how just saying, “You have great hair” could brighten someone’s day).
7. Pass along a book you loved to a friend (they won’t mind if there are underlined parts and dog-eared pages).
8. Frame a favorite, old photo and mail it to your parents, aunt or uncle.
9. Walk a neighbor’s dog (or dog sit) so they get a little extra time in their day.
10. Put money in someone’s parking meter (and leave a note on their windshield to “Have a nice day!”).
By showing up for other people, you’re bettering their lives and yours.