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3 everyday hacks for mental clarity

Want to know how to get the best out of your brain? Here are my top three lifestyle tips for staying sharp through your day.

1. Stay hydrated

Feeling foggy? It’s time to reach for some H20. Studies show that dehydration affects cognition and have even measured that the brain shrinks with more severe dehydration. But don’t worry – have a healthy glass of water nearby.

Did you know? Your brain floats in water-like cerebrospinal fluid. This not only protects your brain but also helps to fuel it with nutrients and remove metabolic waste.

Bonus tips:

Have a drink bottle close so you avoid getting thirsty

Aim for 8+ glasses of water a day

Keep caffeine-containing drinks and alcohol in balance as they can lead to dehydration – choose wellness and Herbal teas instead

Be sure to hydrate after exercise, especially in the summer months as heat and sweat leads to dehydration.

2. Get the good fats

Approximately 60% of your brain is made up of fats. Fatty layers around brain cells improve the nerve signals between cells, which is how they communicate with each other. To maintain healthy fat layers around our cells we need good fats and fat-soluble antioxidants that support the brain from free radical damage.

Did you know? Studies have shown that Omega 3 can support mental clarity, focus and a positive mood

Bonus tips:

Up your brain friendly fats such as fish, flax oil, hemp seed, avocado and walnuts.

Increase fat soluble antioxidants like:

Vitamin E– sesame seeds, tahini, sunflower oil, eggs, almonds, sunflower seeds and olives

Vitamin A (& beta carotene) – orange or red fruit and vegetables, butter, eggs and fish oil Vitamin D – fish, eggs, dairy products

Vitamin K – Green leafy vegetables

Keep trans fats and saturated fats as a small part of your diet as they‘re less beneficial for the fatty layers of the brain. Think fried foods, baked goods, processed foods, red meat and processed meat.

3. Get moving

Have a clear head after exercise? Movement is superb for all areas of our wellness. Finding an exercise you enjoy is not only good for physical health and releasing those feel-good endorphins we all love, but it also helps our brain health . Exercise supports healthy circulation that brings oxygen and nutrients to the brain. Studies have shown that physical exercise supported academic achievement in children, helped against cognitive decline and helped learning and memory.

Bonus tips:

Exercise daily – this can be anything that gets your heart pumping and can include walking or chores like cleaning or doing the gardening

Add more movement into your day by taking the stairs, get up from your desk and walk around or stretch at regular intervals

According to the Center for Disease Control, adults need 150 minutes of moderate-intense physical activity and two days of muscle strength. This can be split into blocks, for example, 30 minutes for 5 days. Find movement you love - including walking, swimming, biking, sports or heading to the gym.

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